Monday, March 15, 2010

First Bread with Okara and Chatter

Our first bread with Okara turned out okay.  It wasn't as fluffy as my bread usually is -- more of a dense bread.  It was great with a bowl of hot veggie soup.  I'm not completely satisfied with the results, so I'll continue to tweak the recipe until I get what I'm looking for or give up.
The recipe I used was one I found online.  I tweaked it as I went, because the original was not vegan.

Here's what I did.  I put it in this order in the Zojirushi Bread Machine.  When I make the next loaf I will probably use the mixer and bake the bread in the oven.  I'm also going to try white wheat flour.

1 cup of soy milk
1 cup of wet okara
 1 1/2 tsps salt
2 tbsp of olive oil
2 tbsp of sugar
3 3/4 cup of whole wheat flour
2/3 cup of rolled oats
2 1/4 tsps of yeast

Bake on wheat cycle in machine.  Makes one large loaf. 

Now for the chatter -- I hit the small local grocery store yesterday and found a few things they haven't had before and one or two things grown in our state.  So that was nice.  They had Jasmine Rice for the first time ever!  They had collards grown locally so I picked up a large bag of them.  They also had great prices on potatoes, cabbage, squash, zucchini, and ....well you get the picture.  We have a whole refrigerator full of fresh veggies and fruit to eat up this week.

I'm not doing a menu because we'll be gone for 3 days this week.  So it is just a cook up what needs to be cooked up kind of week. 

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