Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Phantom Roast

The roast was awesome!  So good that you won't get to see it because I didn't slow down to take a picture.

Since then we've eaten a whirlwind of simple meals....for example tonight's supper was:
collards with onions, garlic and red peppers
stewed potatoes
orange slices

Yep, that was it.  Surprisingly filling and quite good.

Tomorrow proves to be a jam packed day with a funeral dinner to help with (our church does this for families) and then a play to attend tomorrow night at my son's college.  I'll be in the kitchen in the early morning and then on the road the rest of the day...all I can say is thank goodness hubby came home with fresh fruits.

1 comment:

  1. WMV, hope all is well. Not much innovation going on this summer cooking wise for me (our summer has been beastly) but here and there some things are getting cooked. Just bought a George Foreman Electric indoor/outdoor grill on a recommendation from FatFree Vegan, and can't wait to try it out. I think roasts would work in this!


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